Great Reviews of The Hollow Boys by Douglas Smith!

SF Canada member Douglas Smith‘s latest release, The Hollow Boys, has garnered glowing reviews from Blueink Review and The Ottawa Review of Books.

“Smith has created a dramatic, vivid fantasy world for his characters to inhabit. … The Hollow Boys is an assured, confident novel with strong world-building, sharp dialogue and the perfect balance between action and emotional growth for its main characters. Secondary characters … are equally well-rounded. And who can resist Will’s “Doogle” Brian, a fantastical dog that helps him search in the Dream world? In short, this is a must-read story for YA fantasy fans.” —Blueink Review (★ Starred review)

Fans of superhero comics will enjoy Smith’s Dream Rider Saga, but The Hollow Boys should also appeal to the general fantasy reader. Indeed, elements reminded me strongly of Gaiman’s Neverwhere. … I enjoyed The Hollow Boys a great deal, turning pages long after I should have been abed. Smith has produced the best Canadian superhero adventure since James Alan Gardner’s Dark vs. Spark novels. I trust we’ll see much more of the Dream Rider Saga . . . and I can’t wait for the movies.
—Reviewed by Robert Runté for Ottawa Review of Books

Find out more about this thrilling series and about Douglas at .

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