Canadian Markets for Speculative Fiction

Augur Magazine
Literary speculative short stories, poetry, graphic fiction.
Tyche Books
Science fiction and fantasy anthologies, novels, and non-fiction.
Martian Migraine Press
Weird novels, short stories, and poetry. UPDATE: NOW CLOSED
Centropic Oracle
Weekly podcasts of short stories.
Unnerving Magazine
Novels, novellas, short stories.
Exile Editions
Novels and anthologies.
Bundoran Press
Science fiction novels and short stories.
Solaris, Science-fiction et fantastique
Nous préférons les textes d’une longueur inférieure à 8000 mots, encore que nous puissions publier des textes jusqu’à 12000 mots environ. Il n’y a pas de longueur minimale.
On Spec, the canadian magazine of the fantastic
Pays up to $200 for maximum length of 6000 words.
Five Rivers Publishing
Novels, YA and adult.
Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine
Pays up to $125 at the rate of 2.5 cents per word.
Polar Borealis
Pays $10 a poem and up to $30 for maximum length 3,000 words at the rate of 1 cent per word.
Pays up to $50 for maximum length of 5000 words at the rate of 1 cent per word.
Anathema: Spec from the Margins
Fiction from those who identify as queer/two-spirit persons of colour/Indigenous/Aboriginal.
Little Blue Marble
Originals up to 2,000 words and reprints up to 5,000 words.
Kasma Science Fiction Magazine
Pays flat rate of $25 for maximum length of 5000 words.
Pulp Literature
Short fiction. Pays a varying rate. May charge fees.
Engen Books
Speculative fiction novels and short stories.
TDot Spec
Awesome speculative fiction that reflects diverse and vibrant voices from around the world.
Stelliform Press
Genre (SFFH) and literary fiction and creative non-fiction which takes up the conversation around the climate emergency and an intersectional view of environmental justice.
Dark Dragon Publishing
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Occult, Paranormal, and Historical Romance.
ID Press
Short story anthologies by emerging, grassroots writers who inject new blood into old genre.
Undertow Publications
Original and unique genre fiction of exceptional literary merit.
Third Person Press
Speculative fiction novels, with a focus on writers from Atlantic Canada.


  1. Fellow writers, as of January 2018, only the following sites listed here are current: Kasma, Lackington’s, Neo-Opsis, OnSpec, AE, Solaris, and Bundoran.

  2. Little Blue Marble is still very much alive and current.

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