Great Reviews of The Hollow Boys by Douglas Smith!

SF Canada member Douglas Smith‘s latest release, The Hollow Boys, has garnered glowing reviews from Blueink Review and The Ottawa Review of Books.

“Smith has created a dramatic, vivid fantasy world for his characters to inhabit. … The Hollow Boys is an assured, confident novel with strong world-building, sharp dialogue and the perfect balance between action and emotional growth for its main characters. Secondary characters … are equally well-rounded. And who can resist Will’s “Doogle” Brian, a fantastical dog that helps him search in the Dream world? In short, this is a must-read story for YA fantasy fans.” —Blueink Review (★ Starred review)

Fans of superhero comics will enjoy Smith’s Dream Rider Saga, but The Hollow Boys should also appeal to the general fantasy reader. Indeed, elements reminded me strongly of Gaiman’s Neverwhere. … I enjoyed The Hollow Boys a great deal, turning pages long after I should have been abed. Smith has produced the best Canadian superhero adventure since James Alan Gardner’s Dark vs. Spark novels. I trust we’ll see much more of the Dream Rider Saga . . . and I can’t wait for the movies.
—Reviewed by Robert Runté for Ottawa Review of Books

Find out more about this thrilling series and about Douglas at .

Jes Battis’ The Winter Knight featured on Buzzfeed!

SF Canada member Jes Battis’ upcoming novel, The Winter Knight (April 2023) was recently featured in a Buzzfeed article on fantasy titles!:

“You’ll have to wait until spring 2023 to check out this fantasy/sci-fi/LGBTQIAP+ novel. Like Maas, the author pulls on favorite legends and lore and re-creates the narrative. The Winter Knight is a closer tie to Maas’ Crescent City, but once you know how that series is connected to ACOTAR the jump in time doesn’t seem that fantastical. Arthurian legends are given a fresh life in this upbeat queer urban fantasy, where the knights of the round table are alive in Vancouver. When one winds up suspiciously dead, Hildie, a Valkyrie and the investigator assigned to the case, needs to find the killer — and on her short list of suspects is Wayne, an autistic college student and the reincarnation of Sir Gawain. After finding himself at the scene of the crime, Wayne is pulled deeper into his own medieval family history, all while attempting to flirt with the charming dean’s assistant Burt — who also happens to be a prime murder suspect in Hildie’s investigation. Fallen knights, conniving runesmiths, and witches are pulled into the investigation while Wayne and Hildie struggle to find out the truth. The Winter Knight is fast-paced with queer and trans heroes and is decidedly a slow burn.”

Preorder The Winter Knight today!
And find Jes at

More accolades for Nina Munteanu’s A Diary in the Age of Water!

SFC member Nina Munteanu’s novel A Diary in the Age of Water (Inanna Publications, 2020) is listed along with seven other water-related eco-fiction novels worth reading in Mary Woodbury’s article “Where Waters and Fictions Meet” in Climate Culture.

About “A Diary in the Age of Water“, Woodbury writes, “This is the definitive novel about all things water.”

Also on the list are “Water Knife” by Paolo Bacigalupi, “Memory of Water” by Emmi Itäranta, “Bangkok Wakes to Rain” by Pitchaya Sudbanthad, “Oil on Water” by Helon Habila, “Fever Dream” by Samanta Schweblin, “Lagoon,” by Nnedi Okorafor, and “Land-Water-Sky” (Ndè-Tı-Yat’a) by Katłıà.

Find Nina at The Alien Next Door as well as on Twitter and LinkedIn and find Nina’s books on

Axis of Andes: World War Two in South America by D.G. Valdron

SF Canada member D.G. Valdron recently released a two-part alternate history chronicle of a second world war in South America.

Axis of Andes is a stunning alternate history, exploring the baroque and tragic journey of Latin America from independence to the depression, and chronicling a dark history that might have been. A tiny change ends up altering the outcome of an election. Rippling outwards, Fascist movements gain more momentum, local politics unravel in new directions. Dominos cascade as the war spreads steadily, involving country after country in a death struggle.

Deep examinations of the history, societies and economies of each combatant reveal the underlying tensions and stresses, the fault lines and tectonic divides that drive the internal politics and international agendas of each combatant. We see scenes of the war and the combatants from their own perspective as the world falls apart around them. Written as both a history and as a series of compelling narratives,

The Axis of Andes is the first part of a two-part Alternate History series which ultimately rewrites the map of South America. Volume One begins the war with the Invasion of Ecuador, the March on Lima, expanding to trench warfare between Peru and Chile, sea battles between Chile and Peru, and a jungle war slowly spreading through the interior.

Reviews for Axis of Andes:

“Valdron’s alternate history is packed with credible variations of actual events which add quirky interest to the fictional trends he extrapolates from the historical infrastructure. … At no time does his fiction seem improbable or unlikely. It all seems to make sense. Internal consistency is one of the great strengths of this book.” – R. Graeme Cameron, Amazing Stories
“It is about the Ecuador-Peru war of 1941, in our timeline a minor conflict in which less than 2,000 people died which went almost unnoticed among the drama of the Second World War. In Valdron’s books however it ignites into a far more bloody affair and South America sees some of the hell that Europe and Asia experienced. … This is a book with an imaginative premise, genuine historical knowledge about areas of the world which we don’t think about as much in the west.” – Gary Oswald, Sea Lion Press
“In a well outlined 1940 South America, Peru, Ecuador and Chile stumble / drift into a war over mostly worthless border territories with a heavy dose of avenging offended national honour layered in. … This first volume ends with things still up in the air: the opposing camps do not have the means to deliver a knockout punch. The follow up should be worth reading.” – Amazon reviewer

D.G. Valdron is a wayward Maritimer, born on the north shore of New Brunswick. His father was a mechanic, his grandfather a carpenter, which provided Valdron with an arsenal of skills, a work ethic, and a practical approach to life. D.G. is currently a lawyer working in the field of aboriginal rights, but has also worked as a mechanic, carpenter, projectionist, cook, waiter, woodcutter ditch-digger, journalist and school teacher.

The Axis of Andes books are available through Amazon.

CLI-FI: Canadian Tales of Climate Change

Exile Editions’ latest anthology, CLI-FI: Canadian Tales of Climate Change, includes stories from SF Canada members Holly Schofield, Geoffrey W. Cole, and Nina Munteanu.

With the world facing the greatest global crisis of all time – climate change – personal and political indifference has wrought a series of unfolding complications that are altering our planet, and threatening our very existence. Reacting to the warnings sounded by scientists and thinkers, writers are responding imaginatively to the seriousness of changing ocean conditions, the widening disappearance of species, genetically modified organisms, increasing food shortages, mass migrations of refugees, and the hubris behind our provoking Mother Earth herself. These stories of Climate Fiction (Cli-fi) feature perspectives by culturally diverse Canadian writers of short fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and futurist works, and transcend traditional doomsday stories by inspiring us to overcome the bleak forecasted results of our current indifference.

Derek Newman-Stille reviews the book, and several individual stories, on the Speculating Canada blog.

To find out more or pick up a copy, visit the book’s Exile Editions or Amazon page.

The Lady by K.V. Johansen Published

The Lady, by K.V. Johansen, was published December 9 by Pyr. According to Publishers Weekly:
The Lady by KV Johansen
“The action continues unabated in this dashing, magic-filled sequel to The Leopard… Deities, demons, devils, and wizards stalk the pages alongside human heroes and others not so easily defined. Some of the magic is as quick as thought, while other magic requires lengthy rituals that border on poetry. Johansen has found a winning combination: the modern epic fantasy penchant for a cast of thousands and the golden age feeling of a tale of Conan or Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser duelling with gods gone mad.”

For more about the book and author visit