Spotlight on Robert Runte’s 2023 publications

It’s been a busy year for SF Canada member Robert Runte, so we’ve asked him to compile all of his publications thus far. As you can see, he’s been quite busy!


Forthcoming Short Fiction 

  1. “Is There Any News?” in Don’t Be a Hero: A VILLAINthology (in press) TBA, 2024. [A Harcourt-family story].
  2. “Schrodinger’s Train”, Dark Horses, TBA, 2024. [Reprinted from Lamp Lit Underground, November, 2019.]
  3. “Memory Loss”, in Forgotten Fragments of Time, Adam Shove, ed. Dark Thirty Poetry, April 2024. Reprinted from Impspired #23, June 1, 2023.
  4. “Garbage In, Garbage Out”, Scifi Lampoon, Nov 2023. [A Fami and Watch story]
  5. “Ransom and the Open Window” Neo-Opsis Magazine (in press), TBA 2023. [A Ransom and Friends story. Originally appeared in First Line Literary Magazine Vol 20 #3, Fall, 2018. (Print only)]
  6. “The Guy with the Shopping Cart”, Bullet Points, TBA 2023. [Military SF/Horror]
  7. “Nine Peaks”, 99 Fleeting Fantasies, Pulse Publishing, Fall, 2023, pp. 112-114. [A Ransom and Friends story]
  8. “The Family Home”, Siren’s Call #63, October, 2023.
  9. “Staked to the Stars”, Siren’s Call #63, October, 2023. [Originally published in Micro Fiction Monday Magazine May 22, 2023.]
  10. “Spellcheck”, Siren’s Call #63, October, 2023. [Originally published in Fairfield ScribesMicro #28]

Published Short Fiction 

  1. “Fami’s Dissertation Defense”, Polar Borealis #26, 2023. [A Fami and Watch story. Originally appeared in Ripples in Space, Spring 2020.]
  2. “An Isolated Case”, Occult Detective Magazine #10, September, 2023. (Print only)
  3. “Julie and the Substitute Teacher”, Creativezine #7, Summer 2023, pp 10-12. [Reprinted from Every Day Fiction, October 14, 2020.]
  4. Déjà VuFairfield ScribesMicro #31, July 15, 2023.
  5. Memory Loss, (poem) Impsired #23, June 1, 2023.
  6. “Inuksuk”, Metastellar, May 31, 2023. [Originally published in Polar Borealis #15 (June 2020) pp 43-55.]
  7. “First Day on Night Shift”, On Spec Magazine, Vol 33, #1, Issue #123, May, 2023, pp 6-16. (Print only)
  8. “Staked to the Stars”, Micro Fiction Monday Magazine May 22, 2023.
  9. “Disposable”, Fairfield ScribesMicro #29, May 15, 2023.
  10. “Spell-Check”, Fairfield ScribesMicro #28, April 15, 2023.
  11. “Day Three”, The Flash Fiction Podcast, Manawalker Studios, March 16, 2023. [Originally appeared in print in Pulp Literature 21, 2019, online in Metastellar Sept 3, 2021, and reprinted in Best of Metastellar July, 2022.]
  12. “Speed Dating”, Fairfield Scribes Micro #26, February 2023.


  1. Review of The Fragrance of Orchids and Other Stories by Sally McBride, Ottawa Review of Books, June 15, 2023.
  2. Review of The Crystal Key (Book 2 of the Dream Rider Saga) by Douglas Smith, Ottawa Review of Books, May 15, 2023.
  3. Review of Murdering Mr. Edwards by Shawn Bird, Ottawa Review of Books, April, 2023.
  4. Review of New Empire by Alison McBain, Ottawa Review of Books, March 2023.
  5. Review of Lost Souls by Noah Chinn. Ottawa Review of Books, February, 2023.
  6. Review of Ghost Dreams by Matthew Hughes. Ottawa Review of Books, January 2023.
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