Tesseracts 22: Alchemy and Artifacts now out!

SF Canada member Lorina Stephens (along with co-editor Susan MacGregor) has edited the latest edition of the Tesseracts series: Alchemy and Artifacts. The ebook is available now; the print version will follow in September 2019.

The 22nd issue of this iconic Canadian speculative fiction anthology is a collection of twenty-three amazing stories based on historical artifacts combined with fantastic historical fiction. The stories meld culture, concept and incident into a rich collection of ‘what if’ speculations that provide warnings yet revel in the cultural celebrations we continue to observe today. They are the touchstones that resonate with all who listen to and learn from the past.

It includes the following stories by SF Canada members:

Order Alchemy and Artifacts (Tesseracts Twenty-Two) from Edge Publishing today!

Tesseracts 20 – Compostela

SF Canada is well-represented in the newest Tesseracts (the twentieth in the series), published by Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy. Compostela is edited by Spider Robinson (an SF Canada member) and James Alan Gardner, and includes stories and/or poetry by SFC members Chantal Boudreau, Rhea Rose, Robert Dawson, Nancy S.M. Waldman, Leslie Brown, Linda DeMeulemeester, and Matthew Hughes.

From the publisher’s website: The stories contained within the pages of Compostela are a reflection of the world we live in today; where science produces both wonders and horrors; and will leave us with a future that undoubtedly will contain both. Journeys to the stars may be exhilarating and mind-expanding, but they can also be dangerous or even tragic. SF has always reflected that wide range of possibilities.

About the title of this anthology:
For more than 1,000 years, Santiago de Compostela (Compostela means “field of stars”) has attracted pilgrims to walk to the cathedral that holds St. James the apostle’s relics. The stories in this anthology in their own way tell the tale of futuristic travelers who journey into the dark outer (or inner) reaches of space, searching for their own connections to the past, present and future relics of their time.

Compostela is currently available to order on Amazon Kindle, and will release in other ebook formats and in print in the fall of this year.

Mark Shainblum and Claude Lalumière to edit Superhero Universe: Tesseracts Nineteen

Anthology opens to submissions on 30 October 2014

Image: Wikimedia. Creative Commons Share-Alike 2.0.Not a hoax! Not an imaginary story! Multi-award winning author and editor Claude Lalumière and SF Canada member and past-President Mark Shainblum will be co-editing the 19th edition of the Tesseracts anthology series from EDGE Science Fiction & Fantasy Publishing.

Superhero Universe: Tesseracts Nineteen will be just what the title implies, the best in prose superhero fiction from the best authors in Canada,” said Shainblum. “I’m thrilled to be working on this project with Claude and EDGE. It’s going to be something special.”

From the official call for submissions

Superheroes! Supervillains! Superpowered antiheroes. Super scientists. Adventurers into the unknown. Costumed crimefighters. Mutant superterrorists. Far-future supergroups. Crusading aliens in a strange land. Secret histories of covert superspies … and more! We want to see any and all permutations of the superhero genre. Any genre-mashing goes: alternate history, crime, horror, romance, SF, fantasy, surrealism; we want a variety of tones, approaches, subgenres, cultural perspectives, etc. We’re interested in submissions where Canadian setting (a specific city, region, or province) plays a role, but we’re open to other types of stories, too, set anywhere in the world, the universe, or the multiverse!

Click here for full submission information