SF Canada member Miriam H. Harrison is delighted to share several of her current publications. In the world of fiction, her darkly speculative microfiction “The Stones” is free to read at Pen of the Damned (https://penofthedamned.com/), and her speculative flash fiction “She Drips” appears in A Quaint and Curious Volume of Gothic Tales from Brigid’s Gate Press (https://brigidsgatepress.com/?page_id=144). In the world of poetry, five of her speculative poems can be found in the current issues of Scifaikuest: two poems appear in the print issue (https://www.hiraethsffh.com/product-page/scifaikuest-february-2022-edited-by-t-santitoro) while three appear in the free-to-read digital issue (https://www.hiraethsffh.com/scifaikuest-online) including “Through the reset portal”, which was selected as the editor’s favourite. Later this month, her speculative poem “Think Me Helpless” will appear in a special Women in Horror issue of Frost Zone Zine and will be free to read on the Frost Zone Zine site (https://frostzonezine.com/). More about Miriam’s work can be found on Facebooke(@miriam.h.harrison), Twitter (@MiriamHHarrison), or her website (miriamhharrison.wordpress.com).