Dr. Robert Runté is Senior Editor, Five Rivers Publishing, and an associate professor at the University of Lethbridge. As an academic, editor, reviewer, and organizer, Robert has been actively promoting Canadian SF for over 30 years. He was a founding Director of NonCon, Context89, and SF Canada; and has served on the Boards of the Edmonton Science Fiction and Comic Arts Society, On Spec Magazine, Tesseract Books, and The Writers Guild of Alberta. In addition to dozens of conference papers, journal articles, book chapters, and a half dozen entries in the Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada, Robert has edited over 150 issues of various SF newsletters.
In 1989, his Guide to Canadian Science Fiction won an Aurora Award; he won a second Aurora in 1990 for his general promotion of Canadian SF. In 1994 he was honored as Fan Guest at the 52nd WorldCon, and in 1996 he co-edited (with Yves Meyard) the Tesseracts5 SF anthology. More recently, he was the scholar Keynote Speaker at the Academic Conference on Canadian SF&F, June, 2013, which was subsequently awarded a 2014 Aurora Award, and published in The Canadian Fantastic in Focus: New Perspectives, Allan Weiss, ed. He has had stories published in On Spec Magazine, Tesseracts 15, Imaginarium, They Have To Take You In, The Playground of Lost Toys, and elsewhere.
Full editing resume or full academic CV.