New podcast, The Worldshapers

SF Canada member Edward Willett hosts a new podcast featuring interviews with science fiction and fantasy authors about their creative processes.

All writers, when they set pen to paper or post pixel to page, are shaping a world: their own private world, created from their own thoughts and imagination, joys and sorrows, hopes and heartbreaks, triumphs and fears.

It is a kind of miracle, and very writer performs it in his or her own way. In The Worldshapers, Edward Willett, himself an award-winning writer of science fiction and fantasy, delves into the creative process with science fiction and fantasy writers of every kind, seeking to better understand this magical, mystical skill…the skill of worldshaping.

Find interesting and enlightening conversations with such high-profile writers as Julie Czerneda, Tanya Huff, John Scalzi, and Robert Sawyer at The Worldshapers.

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