New Releases: Two Anthologies from the Kawartha Lake Writers, Edited by Sara C. Walker

Sara C. Walker poses with her two latest books

Congratulations to SF Canada member Sara C. Walker! She has published two anthologies of short stories from the famous Kawartha Lake Writers Group. The eclectic mix of tales includes speculative genres.
Cover of Kawartha Lake Stories: Autumn
1. Kawartha Lakes Stories: Autumn features stories set in the municipality of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario during the autumn season, with stories by new and accomplished writers including Nina Munteanu, Jean Booker, and J. Stephen Thompson.
cover for Matters of Time anthology
2. Matters of Time features stories from the Kawartha Lake Writer’s Group that includes Sharon Overend (award winner and Journey Prize nominee), Altaire Gural (playwrite, whose plays have been performed around the world) and Lori Rowsell (whose YA novel will be published early next year.)

Polar Starlight Issue #4 Now Available

Cover for Polar Starlight #4 December 2021

Issue 4 of Polar Starlight, the Magazine of Canadian Speculative Poetry, is now available for download.

This issue features selections from several SF Canada members, including “Vulcanism” by the celebrated speculative poet Colleen Anderson.


An excerpt from "Vulcanism" by Colleen Anderson.

Download the whole issue here: