Hoards of Glory by Arinn Dembo

SF Canada member Arinn Dembo wrote a new game, Hoards of Glory, for Kerberos Productions Inc. This title was released November 6, 2020 through STEAM.

Kerberos Productions, the makers of Sword of the Stars, have released a new tabletop simulation game for the PC. Hoards of Glory is a Viking-themed strategy game of dice placement, economy and combat for 1-4 players. Playable by up to four friends via the Internet, it also offers a variety of AI opponents to fill in when human players are not available.

Hoards of Glory is the first stand-alone simulation of a tabletop game that Kerberos has released. Their previous tabletop projects, The Pit: The Board Game and Planetary Control, were both modeled using the popular Tabletop Simulator software.

“This is really satisfying. Been missing games night a lot amidst the pandemic, and this scratches that fast paced card/dice game itch. It feels nice to play something with an “around the table vibe” and this game is easy to teach to my friends who aren’t really PC gamers, so I can play with anyone.” – STEAM reviewer

Purchase Hoards of Glory online at steampowered.com.

Discover other Kerberos Productions games at kerberos-productions.com.

Externalities by Geoff Hart

SF Canada member Geoff Hart has a new story in the November issue of After Dinner Conversation.

“Externalities” is about a travelling wise man who gives each customer the service they need while teaching his apprentice a valuable lesson about externality. After Dinner Conversation is a digital philosophy and ethics magazine designed to start in-depth intellectual discussions.

After Dinner Conversation believes humanity is improved by ethics and morals grounded in philosophical truth. Philosophical truth is discovered through intentional reflection and respectful debate.  In order to facilitate that process, we have created a growing series of short stories, magazine, and podcast discussions, across genres, as accessible examples of abstract ethical and philosophical ideas intended to draw out deeper discussions with students, friends, and family.

Geoff Hart has been working as a technical communicator (an editor, translator, and writer) since 1987. He mentors others and travels to give talks and workshops about his work. Geoff has also been writing fiction (mostly “literary” science fiction and fantasy) sporadically for most of his adult life.

Learn more about Geoff at geoff-hart.com.

Subscribe to After Dinner Conversation at afterdinnerconversation.com. Or download a free sample with code DINNER.

Night Folk by Barb Galler-Smith

SF Canada member Barb Galler-Smith has been published in Galaxy’s Edge, Issue 47 – November 2020. Her fantasy story “Night Folk” explores retired life from the viewpoint of supernatural creatures.

Galaxy’s Edge is a bi-monthly online magazine published every January, March, May, July, September and November. Select material from the magazine is free for online viewing. Downloads in multiple formats are available from a variety of different venues.

This November issue greets our readers with new articles from regular columnists L. Penelope and Gregory Benford, and reviews of the latest and greatest fiction by Richard Chwedyk.
… “Night Folk,” by Barb Galler-Smith, also takes part in the absence of daylight, where some aging creatures of the night put aside their walking canes to battle some geriatric hunters. It’s not often that we read about retired supernatural creatures, and this story doesn’t disappoint, flipping well-known tropes in this unexpected read.

Barbara Galler-Smith is co-author of DRUIDS, CAPTIVES, and WARRIORS, the DRUID SAGA novels. Barb holds two degrees: Zoology and Education. She’s spent the last eight years substitute teaching every grade and every subject.  Barb also works as an acquisitions editor and sometimes copyeditor for award-winning OnSpec: The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic.

Barb wrote her first story in the third grade for her new elementary school. The school chose it for inclusion in a 50-year time capsule set beneath the school’s flagpole. She’s been writing science fiction and fantasy ever since.

Learn more about Barb at gallersmith.ca.

Purchase a digital or print copy of Galaxy’s Edge, Issue 47 – November 2020 through galaxysedge.com.

The New Season by Graham J Darling

SF Canada member Graham J Darling has a short story, “The New Season” in Brain Games: Stories to Astonish. This anthology was published October 26, 2020 by Third Flatiron Publishing and also includes “The Disconnect” from SF Canada member Lisa Timpf.

Brain Games: Stories to Astonish is a fabulous collection of 27 short science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories involving killer apps, Rube Goldberg inventions, clever escapes, Greek mythology, mysterious space heists, and high-tech sorcery. The humor section gives us the inner workings of a MegaMind.

Graham J. “GrayJay” Darling has long been a voracious consumer of speculative literature. The first novel he ever read was Alice in Wonderland: after learning that by heart, he went on to sip from entire fields of such flowers of the imagination. Eventually he was moved to share the wonder with like-minded fans in clubs, conventions, productions and games. He now writes as fiction what the world isn’t ready for as fact, in parallel to his activities as a scientist and as a medieval reenactor.

Full TOC and more about Third Flatiron at thirdflatiron.com.

Order the e-book or paperback version of Brain Games: Stories to Astonish on Amazon.

Boulders Over the Bermuda Triangle by Peter J. Foote

SF Canada member Peter J. Foote is a co-author of the new novella, Boulders Over the Bermuda Triangle: A Slipstreamers Adventure.

This novella is Book 3 in a series of 15 Slipstreamers stories from Engen Books of Newfoundland. Each of the authors in this series is from Atlantic Canada.

Cassidy Cane goes by many titles — archeologist, anthropologist, adventurer — but none more fitting than that given to her on some strange worlds: Slipstreamer.

Cassidy slips between worlds, traveling to bizarre planets and alternate Earths to find extraordinary new technologies and artifacts that might better humanity!

When Cassidy enters a portal hovering over the fabled Bermuda Triangle, she finds herself on the strange alien world of Xik’en, located in the hub of an asteroid mine and where lizard-people reign supreme! Cassidy must team up with a spirited young Xik’en to save herself and recover the ARC crystals she needs… but can she escape? And what lies hidden below the station, in the Xik’en prison?

The third entry into the Slipstreamers series was a fun adventure. The story telling transitions between action and heartwarming scenes smoothly. This episode gave us a new perspective on Cassidy, and it really helped her character grow.” – Amazon reviewer

Peter J. Foote is a bestselling speculative fiction writer from Nova Scotia, Canada. He runs the Fictionfirst Used Books, specializing in fantasy & sci-fi titles. He also cosplays with his wife, and alternates between red wine and coffee as the mood demands.

Many of Peter’s stories are a reflection of his personal life, as he is a firm believer in the adage that a writer should write what they know.

Peter’s work has twice been awarded the Kit Sora Flash Fiction Prize: once in March 2018 and again in September 2018. Peter holds the distinction of being one of only three authors to be featured in all the modern From the Rock collections to date.

In total, Peter has been featured in over two dozen publications, with interest in his short fiction worldwide.

As the founder of the group “Genre Writers of Atlantic Canada”, Peter believes that the writing community is stronger when it works together.

Learn more about Peter at peterjfooteauthor.wordpress.com.

Purchase your copy of Boulders Over the Bermuda Triangle via Amazon.

Stellar Evolutions Edited by Rhea Rose

SF Canada member Rhea Rose is the editor of a new anthology, Stellar Evolutions, now open to pre-release ebook orders. These short stories and poems were drawn from the first fifteen issues of fellow SF Canada member R. Graeme Cameron’s magazine Polar Borealis.

Oh, Canada! Welcome to this world-bending collection of speculative writing Canadian style. Between these boreal covers, a compilation of must-read fantastic fiction by trending and diverse authors will take readers to the next level of story discovery. New futures, fantasies and frightening realities become readers’ portals connecting yesterday’s print to tomorrow’s digital dreams. This gathering showcases stories and poetry by many award-winning, award-nominated, yet diverse authors’ and their best works, selected exclusively from Polar Borealis Magazine, a Canadian speculative fiction publication dedicated to discovering the finest ideas in a large land of divergent narratives. These stellar storytellers and poets find our common humanity, play with its evolution, evaluate the relentless tick-tock of technology and step into the seductive chill of starlight with only their imaginations to guide them against the spiralling foils of the unknown.

“A particularly interesting collection because it features emerging Canadian writers, covers a broad swath of Canadian speculative fiction, and includes as much poetry as prose.” —Robert Runte—Editor, critic, author of Canadian Science Fiction, an Introduction & List of Recommended Authors and more.

Learn more about Rhea at rheaerose.weebly.com.

Learn more about Graeme and Polar Borealis at polarborealis.ca.

Reserve your copy of Stellar Evolutions via Amazon.