Swan Song graphic novel

SF Canada member Bevan Thomas is one of the board members of Cloudscape Comics, and his organization has recently published its latest anthology: Swan Song. This graphic novel features numerous music-themed stories in a wide variety of genres, from autobiographical explorations to emotional dramas to fantasy stories about songs that produce magic. Not only was Bevan one of the book’s editors, but Swan Song also features a story he wrote retelling the Welsh legend The Tale of Taliesin, where the bard Taliesin summons a furious wind storm with his song. Swan Song includes numerous other comic creators as well, including such prominent local artists as Simon Roy (Prophet, Tiger Lung), Angela Melick (Wasted Talent), Renee Nault (comic adaptation of Handmaid’s Tale), and Jonathon Dalton (Mad Tea Party, Lords of Death & Life). You can get your own copy at the Cloudscape store at https://www.cloudscapecomics.com/product-category/anthology/

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