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Home Forums Works Eligible for Awards (2016) Please post your eligible works


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    Please use this thread to post your works eligible for 2016 awards!


    I have two novels eligible for the Sunburst Awards: Random Dingoes (2015) and It’s Just the Chronosphere Unfolding as it Should (2016). I suspect the latter book is also eligible for all of the other major awards (Aurora, Hugo, Oscar, for all I know).

    I did have two short stories that are eligible for awards: “Fools for Fermi” (in Polar Borealis) and “The Writer Did It!” (in Existence is Elsewhen). The former is a short stream of consciousness tale about…well, you should be able to guess from the title. Polar Borealis is available for free download, but I would be happy to send copies of the story to anybody who is interested.

    The latter is the first story featuring Schlomo Schwartz, the Kosher Detective; it also introduces the universe where everything that exists was originally created by a writer in another universe but was never made public. Schlomo is a fun character and the universe itself is a hoot; I have already written two more stories in the series and hope to write more as time and inspiration allow. If anybody is curious, I’ll be happy to send a copy of “The Writer Did It!” to you.



    Eligible to be nominated in:
    -Best Related Work English:
    Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine.
    -Best Short Fiction English:
    “The Airlock Scene” in Polar Borealis #1
    “We Never Went to Mars: in Polar Borealis # 3
    -Best Fan Music:
    Body of work:
    “If You’re Intelligent and you Know It” KeyCon 33.

    Tribute to the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek. VCon 41.

    Karl Johanson Editor Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine


    Eligible for Hugos, Nebulas, Auroras, Sunburst, Endeavour, etc. in the applicable NOVEL category:

    The Tree of Souls
    Genre: Dark fantasy
    Publication date: May 1, 2016
    Review copy formats: EPub, MOBI, PDF
    Contact for review copies

    John Park

    Eligible for Hugo, Nebula, Aurora, Sunburst . . . (?), short story awards:


    On Spec 27(2), pp. 71–76; published 2016, January.

    John Park

    Kristin Janz

    Eligible for short story awards:

    “Thou Hast by Moonlight at Her Window Sung”, SQ Mag, March 2016
    “As Travelers in Sky Boats”, Escape Pod, September 2016
    “Children of Cronus”, in anthology Silent Screams

    Edition 25: Thou Hast by Moonlight at Her Window Sung by Kristin Janz

    EP541: As Travelers in Sky Boats


    My Work

    Short Stories:
    “T is for Three (at the End of All Things).” C is for Chimera. Edmonton: Poise and Pen, 2016. 197-200. Print.

    The Longest Road in the Universe: A Collection of Fantastical Tales. South Haven: Triskele Media Press, 2016. Print.

    I can provide either of these to you in the digital format of your choice.

    I’m able to nominate for the Hugos and the Auroras and will only be reading short stories, novellas, anthologies, and collections this year because of my academic schedule (I just can’t give the best of my attention to a novel while I’m studying). I prefer .mobi or PDF formats.

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    Holly Schofield

    I’ve got three pro stories out this year (along with 13 semi-pro and 2 pro-ish; it’s been a good year! 🙂 ).
    “East Wind in Carrall Street” in Clockwork Canada is the one I’m most proud of. Steampunk in one of Canada’s Chinatowns. Several reviewers have singled it out for special recommendation.
    I’ve also got “A Distant Honk” in Unlikely Story’s Coulrophobia Remix, “The Jungle Between” in Cast of Wonders, and “Blanche’s Last Spike” in Neo-Opsis.
    I’m happy to send .doc, .rtf, or .epubs to anyone who emails me.

    I’m reading for the Nebulas and Auroras. Send me your stuff, if you are so inclined. One per person, please. Format: .Rtf or .doc or link. Email Header: 2016 Awards, Title, Award, Category. Send to: hollyschofieldwriter(at)gmail(dot)com.


    Hi everyone,
    This is my first time here, posting my Aurora-eligible story and poem!

    “Fairy Tales Are for White People”

    My story was chosen for The Year’s Best Dark Fiction and Fantasy 2017 after publication in Fireside Fiction. I wrote it for Kris Rusch’s fantasy workshop. She wanted a story with lots of sensual details about food. I decided to set it in Toronto’s Chinatown, a young boy vs. a fairy godfather.

    It’s also available at Instafreebie, if you want different formats.

    Poem written in Los Angeles, for Summer Solstice after the Roswell Awards:
    By the light of the kumquat tree

    You can e-mail me eligible works at


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by dr_sassy.
    Douglas Smith

    Douglas Smith’s Eligible Works:
    I have on short story, “The Last of a Thing” eligible for the Hugos, Nebulas, Auroras, etc. The story appeared in Pulp Literature in October 2016, issue #12. You can download it as a free ebook at either of the links below:

    a) Just the free ebook, please

    b) Free ebook and sign me up for your newsletter too

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Douglas Smith.
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